
Net Worth Report 2021

I’ve tracked my spending for years, but it wasn’t until I did Alan and Katie Donegan’s brilliant (and free!) Rebel Finance School course and started using their excellent net worth spreadsheet template that I started to track my net worth in May 2021. I wish I’d started tracking it years earlier so that I could see my progress but, as they say, better late than never.

Why Track Your Net Worth?


Net Worth 2021

I didn’t have a monthly breakdown of my pension value so unfortunately couldn’t include it. My pension provider’s website only provides a current snapshot and a yearly statement running up to the end of March. Not helpful when you’re trying to retrospectively produce a chart!

Breaking Down the Figures

Including/ExcludingStart (May)EndChange
Excluding pension, including primary residence£316,334.16£342,913.64+£26,579.48
Excluding pension and primary residence£210,459.19£234,378.63+£23,919.44

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